The Best Cleanser and Face Wash For Oily Skin

The best cleanser and face wash for oily skin helps reduce oil production that give you skin that "shiny" look, while improving tone and reducing pore size.

What are the Causes?

\"face Wash\"

Chronic or acute oiliness is often the result of over-active sebaceous glands.  Sebaceous glands secrete sebum (oil) that helps hydrate, moisturize, and nourish the skin and hair.  On the face sebaceous glands are most concentrated on the forehead, nose, chin and cheeks.  This encompasses the "triangle" area referred to many dermatologists.

The Best Cleanser and Face Wash For Oily Skin

Warm weather, changes in barometric pressure, and high relative humidity stimulate oils and increases the chance of an overly oily complexion.  Physical exertion, strenuous exercise and hot working or home environments can exacerbate the problem.  And the problem can be extensive.

Excess oil production can trap dirt and bacteria that lead to enlarged pores, inflammation, and redness.  A primary contributor to acne is the infection that develops when dead skin cells, yeast, and oil combine.  Irritation, redness, and mores severe problems such as psoriasis, eczema and cracking can occur.

Take the Shine Away

The best products - face cleansers and washes - for cleaning an oily complexion are formulated with Zinc PCA and gentle surfactants that clean trapped oils and dirt from pores, while leaving dermal layers hydrated.  The trick is not necessarily regulation, but improving the health of your skin and avoiding drying.  While dryness temporarily makes us feel like we've licked the complexion problem, excessive drying and lost moisture is not good.

The best washes use Hyaluronic Acid to retain moisture along with DMAE, Green tea and Panthenol to soothe, protect from cell damage from oxidization and to help shrink pores.  Used in combination you get effective control of excessive secretions and improved dermal health - providing long-term control for a health, clean complexion.

The Best Cleanser and Face Wash For Oily Skin

Visit SkinEnergizer online for the best Oily Face wash for a clean, clear complexion.

Find advice, tips and recommendations for regulating oil, cleaning bacteria, and avoiding acne, inflammation and eczema. Zinc PCA products regulate secretions, while providing vital hydration. For more severe or acute oily complexion, use an advanced-formula Oily Face Toner.

Home Remedies For Baby Eczema

If your baby is suffering from eczema, you know how uncomfortable the itchy and dry skin can be, not to mention the sore spots. Since eczema usually goes hand in hand with sensitive skin, treating it can be a bit of a challenge. Thankfully there are quite a few home remedies for baby eczema you can try.


\"face Wash\"

Keeping baby's skin well moisturized should always be the first step in any eczema treatment. Use a natural aloe Vera lotion several times a day, especially after bathing baby. Reapply as often as need to keep baby's skin from drying out. Avoid any harsh cleansers and make sure baby is getting plenty to drink to moisturize from the inside out as well. Incidentally breastfed babies experience fewer and milder episodes of eczema.

Home Remedies For Baby Eczema

Oatmeal Bath

When baby's skin gets very itchy, an oatmeal bath can be very soothing and help skin heal. Put two cups of oats in a food processor (or use a coffee grinder) and grind them into a powder. Add the oatmeal powder to a running bath of warm (not hot) water and stir well. Soak in the oatmeal bath for 15 minutes, rinse with clean water and dab the skin dry with a soft towel. When baby's eczema breakouts are bad, it is safe to sooth them with an oatmeal bath twice daily.

Natural Skin Wash

As mentioned above, you want to avoid any harsh skin care for baby. The following natural skin wash is very gently and helps with the itch. Combine 1 tsp of comfrey root, 1 tsp of white oak bark, 1 tsp of slippery elm bark and two cups of water in a bowl. Mix well, and then pour it into a pot. Heat over medium heat until it comes to a boil, and then simmer for thirty minutes. Allow the mixture to cool, then strain out the solids and use the liquid like any face wash.

While this mixture may not completely clear up baby's eczema, it is a natural, gentle and effective cleanser that will help reduce the itching and inflammation.

Healing Lotions

When eczema really flares up, you want to get baby's skin healed back up as soon as possible. Healing lotions can help shorten the healing time and moisturize and protect your skin from future outbreaks at the same time.

Lotions to look for ate those made with blueberry leaves. Blueberry leaves are very good at relieving the inflammation of eczema and at improving the irritation that accompanies itching.

Zinc is another great ingredient. Apply zinc lotion directly on the affected area. Zinc can also be taken as a supplement in pills. Taking regularly, it can be an effective eczema treatment.

To help heal the skin, use a lotion containing vitamin E, or apply vitamin E oil directly on the affected area. It will quickly reduce itching and improve healing. Continue applying the vitamin E oil until the skin is healed.

Reduce Irritants

Some babies experience eczema because they are allergic to detergents, which are found in nearly all personal care, cleaning and laundry products. You may want to investigate using pure soap for all cleaning and laundry as well as bathing for some time to see if your baby's eczema improves.

Eczema can also occur as a result of food allergies. If you have a family history of food or environmental allergy, your baby may also be experiencing sensitivities to something in his diet or environment. Check with your baby's health care provider and consider an elimination diet or other measures to track down allergens.

Typically, babies outgrow eczema, or at the very least, it will improve as he gets older.

This article is provided for information purposes only. Please consult your baby's health care provider before trying home remedies.

Home Remedies For Baby Eczema

Visit Natural Moms Talk Radio and listen to the free podcast for resources and helpful tips to assist you in raising your baby, naturally!

Large Pores Treatment - 3 Proven Ways to Get Rid of Large Pores For Good

There are two primary reasons large pores show up on your face - age and genetics. While neither of these factors can be altered or reversed, there are some things you can do to get rid of large pores for good. The verdict is still out on whether large facial pores can be eliminated permanently, but it's something that has to be taken on a case-by-case basis. Using the methods below, you can at east expect to dramatically shrink your large pores so they are less noticeable.

So, let's begin.

\"face Wash\"

Harness the Power of Vitamin C and Retinol

Large Pores Treatment - 3 Proven Ways to Get Rid of Large Pores For Good

Using a mild face wash or topical medication that contain either vitamin C or retinol can work wonders when it comes to reducing large pores. The antioxidants in these items remove dirt and oil form your pores while helping your skin to produce more elastin and collagen.

Exfoliate Regularly

Exfoliation can be accomplished in one of three ways - at a dermatologist, spa, or at home. You can use a simple facial scrub to exfoliate from home and shrink large pores. You may also want to consult your local dermatologist or spa for a microdermabrasion treatment. Microdermabrasion is one way to gently remove dead layers from the surface of your skin and get rid of large pores. Be careful, though. This treatment can be harsh because it basically involves sanding your skin with a rotating wire or steel brush. Ouch!

Use a Chemical Peel Treatment

A facial chemical peel is perhaps one of the best ways to get rid of large pores. You can visit your dermatologist's office for a chemical peel or you can do it at home. The average chemical peel administered by a dermatologist is going to cost you anywhere between 0 to 00. On the other hand, you can find at home chemical peels of the same quality for as low as and as much as 0 for more advanced kits. Choosing the at home route, you end up saving 0 to ,340.

Large Pores Treatment - 3 Proven Ways to Get Rid of Large Pores For Good

Visit Linda Florentine's site Skin Culture Peel Review to discover the chemical peel formula that celebrities, models, and professionals use to get rid of large pores without high-cost surgeries, injections, or lasers. Go to to read real reviews from real users who have seen dramatic results in as little as 6 days.

Home Remedy for Acne Redness

If you're looking to heal an inflamed pimple and calm down the redness, then this article should give you all your answers. I've had many situations myself where I would have an event to go to the next day and I'd be stuck worrying how I could lessen the acne redness on my face. Here you'll be getting every home remedy for acne redness I've successfully used. This should give you the confidence to know that these remedies work! Let's begin...

Taking two Advil's is a nice start to calm the acne redness. Advil is an inflammatory and your skin will look less irritated in a matter of about 25 minutes after taking them.

\"Best Acne Face Wash\"

If you don't want to take advice, rinse a washcloth under ice cold water. Apply the cloth to your face for about 5-10 minutes. When you take the wash cloth away, initially you face may appear red or pink from the cold temperature. However, a few minutes after, you'll notice the swelling of the acne has gone down and the pimples look much less irritated.

Home Remedy for Acne Redness

Dabbing some egg whites on the inflamed pimple works well too. The egg whites will absorb the bacteria and toxins in the skin. Afterwards, wash your face gently with cold water to reveal a more calm skin appearance.

My favorite home remedy for acne redness is taking an herbal tea bag and dipping it in warm water. Take the tea bag out and gently rub it all over your face. This will leave a brownish residue on your face. Leave the tea residue on your skin for about 5 minutes and then gently wash your face with cold water. Tea leaves contain Tannin which is a natural astringent. The tea solution will also absorb much of the bacteria that is causing the redness. When you wash off the tea residue, your face will be less inflamed and the redness will be gone.

Home Remedy for Acne Redness

Ready for more? If you'd like to know every home remedy for acne redness, check out There you'll find out every other home remedy for acne redness you've been looking for.

Facial Pore Suction Cleaner Blackhead Acne Remover - How Do They Work?

If you have oily skin, then you probably also suffer from large pores and the accumulation of oil, dirt and dead skin cells that eventually lead to blackheads. One might get a few large blackheads here and there, while people with oily skin can have a number of tiny, speck like blackheads all over their face. Some people are using a facial pore suction cleaner blackhead remover to battle acne. In this article, we will discuss how these pore suction cleaner blackhead tools are used.

Facial pore suction cleaner blackhead removers are available in a number of different brands and the pricing can vary. For example, Avon sells one for only that works well. There are also more expensive ones available.

\"Best Acne Face Wash\"

When you use a blackhead cleaner, the first step is to open your pores and use a mild cleanser to clean your face. There are a number of ways to do this. You can steam your face in the shower to open the pores, use a warm wash cloth or hold your face over a bowl of boiling water for five minutes. After opening your pores, gently cleanse your face using your fingers. Often time this will start the removal process and some of your blackheads will be eliminated. Rinse well and you are ready for the next step.

Facial Pore Suction Cleaner Blackhead Acne Remover - How Do They Work?

The next step is to begin using the pore cleaner. Don't let your face get too dry at any time during the pore cleansing process. Keep your face wet with warm water, not merely moist. The wetness on your skin will help you keep a good seal for the suction cup against your skin.

The first time, you may get what some call the "scraping off" of surface dead cells, but keep at it and re-wet skin with warm water if needed and the next time you move the cup over that spot it will remove the contents of pores, now that the surface dead layers are out of the way.

Do not just use this on dry skin misted over using the mist attachment or you will be disappointed. You need to open your pores first, in order to get the best results. Also be careful not to leave the suction cup in one spot too long, or you may experience bruising.

Facial Pore Suction Cleaner Blackhead Acne Remover - How Do They Work?

Some people swear by their facial Pore Suction Cleaner Blackhead Acne Remover. If it works for you, then you may find this is just the tool you were looking for to clean your pores and make your face smooth and blackhead free. Visit for more helpful acne tips and advice on acne scars, acne home remedies, acne products, blackhead removal and how to get rid of acne scars.

How to Get Rid of Acne on Oily Skin - Step-by-Step Process to Get Rid of Acne

Acne is very common and can be very hard to treat if you don't know the right things to do. I had acne for years before finally finding out what worked for me and learning what was really causing my acne. Acne on oily skin can be tougher to treat because the oils can cause more pores to get clogged and cause more blackheads and breakouts.

I am going to share some things with you to Get Rid of Acne on Oily Skin. These things are 100% safe because they are all natural. Natural treatments, unlike medical treatments, will not harm the body in any way. Natural acne treatments work with the body so that it can heal the acne that you have and keep off any future outbreaks.

\"face Wash\"

Get Rid of Acne - Tip 1

How to Get Rid of Acne on Oily Skin - Step-by-Step Process to Get Rid of Acne

Acne on oily skin can be kind of tough to fight. We need to get the amount of oil that is on your face reduced. So, the first thing that I want to share with you is a face wash that will reduce that oil. You only need the skin of a lemon and some warm water. Take the lemon skin and wash your face with it in the warm water. This will start getting rid of the oil that is on the skin. Let the lemon juice and water sit on your face for around 30 minutes and then rinse gently with warm water. You should start to notice that the oil will be cut down drastically.

Get Rid of Acne - Tip 2

You need to drink a lot of water each day. Drink around 10-12 full glasses of water each day. Water will get rid of the toxins in the body that are causing the acne. Natural healing is all about getting to the root of the problem, and in this case, it is toxins in the body. The water also aids in the healing process that the skin is going through. You will notice a big difference when you start drinking plenty of water.

Get Rid of Acne - Tip 3

Using toothpaste can reduce the swelling and redness of pimples. At night take some toothpaste and apply it to the affected areas. Let it stay there overnight. When you get up in the morning you should see a big different in the way your pimples look and how your skin feels.

Get Rid of Acne - Tip 4

You need to look at what you are eating. Start eating more fruits and vegetables so that your body can get the necessary vitamins and minerals that it needs to fight off acne. Eat as much as you can each day because fruits and vegetables will help with your water intake and help your body heal faster.

How to Get Rid of Acne on Oily Skin - Step-by-Step Process to Get Rid of Acne

Want to know the Step-by-Step Process to Get Rid of Acne Naturally []? Find out Right Here [] and you will be on your way to being able to go out in public without being embarrassed.

Get Rid of Acne on Oily Skin – Step-by-Step Process []

Melasma Treatment - Five Home Remedies That Work

Melasma treatment is a tricky problem as the pigmentation marks due to melasma are very stubborn.It is a very stressful skin condition as it causes facial pigmentation. Even though this pigmentation may appear on other parts of body, they are very common on the upper lip, cheeks and forehead part of the face. Though benign, they are very difficult to treat. So it is always preferable to take preventive steps to avoid having melasma.

Home Remedies for Melasma

\"face Wash\"

Even though pigmentation marks due to melasma is very difficult to treat, there are some home remedies that are quite effective. As with any kind of natural treatment, it takes time. But the result is permanent and free from any side effects. In fact these five natural products I have mentioned are great for removing all kinds of facial pigmentation including age spots and freckles.

Melasma Treatment - Five Home Remedies That Work

1. Aloe Vera Juice:

Take some aloe vera leaves and extract the pulp. Apply it to your face and leave it on for 10-15 minutes. Wash off in cold water. If you cannot get aloe vera plant you can aloe vera juice available in health stores.

2. Grapefruit Seed Extract:

Grapefruit Seed extract though a natural ingredient, it is also found as pills and capsules.

It has great antibacterial, antiviral and ant-fungal properties. It has shown remarkable effect in treating melasma.

3. Turmeric Paste:

This herb has a lot of medicinal properties. But it is very popular as a natural pigmentation remover. Take a spoonful of fresh cream and a dash of turmeric powder. Blend until you have a paste. Apply it to your face. Wash off with cold water. Do this for a fortnight for a glowing skin.

4. Apple Cider Vinegar:

Dilute apple cider vinegar with equal amount of water. Dab your face with this solution twice a day.

5. Horseradish

This is one of the magic ingredients that have shown spectacular result in removing pigmentation marks due to melasma. It burns a bit but is very effective natural treatment for melasma. The skin becomes dark initially. But subsequently it starts to peel and the skin that is underneath is blemish free and vibrant. You should apply it once a week and wait for the skin to peel. As with all treatments, you should check how your skin is recovering and apply the procedure accordingly. You can get horseradish at your local grocery store. This thing really works fast and effective in all kinds of pigmentation and scar removal.

Melasma Treatment - Five Home Remedies That Work

But this is not all.There are many such natural treatments for melasma, age spots,freckles and all kinds facial pigmentation marks. If you are looking for more information on how to treat melasma naturally have a look at this skin lightening report which tells you how to remove scars naturally.

Homemade Pimple Treatments - 7 Treatments You Can Do at Home

A lot of people do the wrong thing when it comes to getting rid of pimples. I once suffered from moderate acne and would not go out of the house unless I had to. I would not go on dates and would not even talk to my friends. There are homemade pimple treatments that work. I am living proof of that.

I am going to share with you some of the things that I have done over the past few months and the results that I have had with each. Each of these homemade pimple treatments seem to work well, while others worked great for me. Remember that you may have to try different ones before you find the one that works for you.

\"face Wash\"

1. One of the first that you need to do that is completely free is to reduce all of the Stress in your life as you can. Stress is a big factor in acne because studies shows that the more stress you have, the more acne you will have. So the first thing that I want you to do is to reduce all of the stress that you can in your day to day activities. I cannot tell you enough how much eliminating stress has helped me.

Homemade Pimple Treatments - 7 Treatments You Can Do at Home

2. Now that you are getting your stress under control, now you can try some known Homemade Pimple Treatments. First get some lemons, and get the lemon skin. Using the lemon skin and some warm water, wash your face with the lemon skin. Let the juices set on your face for around thirty minutes and wash with your normal face cleaner. You should start to seem some improvement within a couple of weeks. I personally love this treatment because it is easy and effective. It does take a while for the results to show up, but this will help your acne.

3. If you have pimples that are swelling, or if your face feels swollen, you can try toothpaste to get your skin to feel better. Right before going to bed apply some regular toothpaste to the affected areas and leave it there overnight. You will be amazed at how much better your face will feel in the morning.

4. Another face wash that you can try is Vinegar. Mix the vinegar with some salt and gently rub your entire face. Let it stay on your face for around thirty minutes and wash it off with your normal face wash. I didn't see big improvements with this mix, but you may.

5. Before going to bed, you need to take the Mint leaf juice and apply it to your affected areas. Mint is known to help reduce acne and help clear the skin. Leave the mint juice on your face overnight to do its magic.

6. As with all skin conditions, it is very important to drink plenty of water when getting rid of acne. You need to drink at least 8 full glasses of water each day to get rid of the toxins in the body and help you battle acne. I drink 8 glasses a day and I feel so much better and my skin is super clear.

7. Another homemade pimple treatment is the use of Cucumber. Make a cucumber paste and apply it to your face. Let it stand on your face for around 10 minutes and wash with your normal face wash. Cucumber will help moisturize the skin and provide plenty of vitamins for your skin.

Homemade Pimple Treatments - 7 Treatments You Can Do at Home

With the aid if these Homemade Pimple Treatments [] you should have the upper hand on getting rid of acne.

Did you know that you can Get Rid of Acne in as little as a week? Find out how with this great Homemade Pimple Remedy [] Don’t feel like you have to hide all of the time because of your acne.

10 Tips For Healthy Skin

Healthy, younger looking skin is what everyone dreams of. Healthy, younger looking skin is not hard to achieve. Looking after your appearance and maintaining a regular routine and healthy diet can help to give you perfect looking skin, free from spots and blemishes.

Below are 10 tips that will help you on your way to clear, beautiful skin.

\"face Wash\"

1. Your outside appearance reflects what's on your inside. Maintain a healthy and balanced diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables and sunflower seeds.

10 Tips For Healthy Skin

2. Try and drink 6 to 8 glasses of water per day. This will help to keep your skin moist, refreshed and supple, which will help the skin fight off developing wrinkles and blemishes.

3. Moisturize! Applying moisturizer after a warm face wash or a warm shower is the best remedies for skin. Moisturizing helps to restore the oils that our skin has and helps to keep the skin hydrated. Moisturizing for men is just as important as the oils in men's skin can be lost more easily than those in women.

4. Protect yourself from sun and tanning studio's. The sun and tanning studio's are the main reasons for premature aging. By applying self tan spray or keeping your face well protected from UV rays can help to prevent premature aging.

5. Keep up regular exercise. Regular exercise helps to keep the skin elasticity which prevents wrinkles. Exercise is also good for your body as a whole as it helps to maintain a low amount of body fat.

6. Taking vitamins and minerals helps to keep goodness in the skin. Vitamins and minerals have been developed to help your body. By taking one multivitamin can help to keep your skin fresh and clean.

7. Try and maintain a constant sleep pattern. Sleep is the body's time to restore itself and to re-energies the body's organs and skin. By maintaining a regular sleep pattern, you will feel more energized and your skin will become more healthy and fresher looking.

8. Do not scrub and wash too hard. By doing this it removes the required oils that the skin needs to regenerate. When washing, wash lightly and in circular motion. This helps to keep the blood flow in your skin and does not allow the essential oils to escape.

9. Do not squeeze spots. Although very tempting, by squeezing spots and black heads, the disease spreads and your acne will not disappear. By not squeezing your skin can heal the spot on its own and scars will not be formed. Constant squeezing of spots will cause scarring of the skin.

10. Finally, the most important thing you can do to help achieve, younger healthier looking skin is to stop smoking or never to start. Smoking causes premature aging and yellowing of the teeth and skin. The tobacco that is released into the air dries out your skin, while the smoke you inhale constricts the flow of blood to blood vessels, therefore preventing your skin of essential nutrients that your body supplies.

10 Tips For Healthy Skin

A writer and publisher who has a keen interest on promoting his articles and reports to hopefully provide the reader with some helpful information on what they may be looking for.

Click here to view our top recommended facial products

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What is Oily Skin, How to Treat It, and How NOT to Treat It

1 out of every 2 teenagers has oily skin. We hear about it every day on TV and the radio in ads for Proactive and Murad. Stars like Jessica Simpson, Paris Hilton, Puff Daddy, Eminem, and even Paris Hilton all pitch various products and treatments for oily skin. Most of these products are nothing more than a mild benzoyl peroxide or salicylic (less than 2%) cleanser. The reality is that when we questioned real dermatologists none recommended these products. Their actual recommendations were:

1) skin peels and laser treatments.

\"face Wash\"

2) tetracycline

What is Oily Skin, How to Treat It, and How NOT to Treat It

3) Accutane - in severe acne cases only.

4) Doxycycline

5) Cetaphil - Every dermatologist said this was a great face wash.

You have to remember Paris Hilton, Eminem, and Jessica Simpson are all paid endorsers. Read the fine print. Not one of them guarantees or stands behind the product. To properly treat oily skin and the acne it can and usually does cause, you have to get to the source.

Benzoyl peroxide will only affect the surface and irritate it. Salicylic acid is a weaker acid and must be used in much stronger strengths to be effective - lees than 10% just won't cut it. What really works is treating the bacteria that are rampant in oily skin. This is what causes acne. A trichloroacetic acid (TCA peel) skin peel is the most effective external treatment and now the most cost effective as it is currently available to consumers for in home use. A TCA peel will alter the skin pH (acidity levels) and make the conditions unfavorable for the bacteria. TCA peels will also get rid of excess oil, increase exfolliation, collagen production, and new skin production - all helpful with oily skin. TCA peels are also very effective on acne scars - an added plus. And the best thing is there are no side effects.

Tetracycline is available by prescription only. It will kill the bacteria, but only for as long as you keep taking it. It will not affect the oilyness and is not effective against mild to severe acne. It also has side effects like yellow teeth. Their are similar antibiotics like doxycycline that have basically the same results.

Accutane is a very drastic prescription only medication. The side effects can be quite severe and are common. Blood tests must be done on a weekly or monthly basis. Accutane will cease the production of oil by stopping the functionality of the sebaceous glands. Usually this was reserved for mild to severe acne patients. The complications are so severe there have been numerous class action lawsuits (just watch TV or look up Sokolove the attorneys office on the internet).

Lasers have been used in a limited capacity as they are still too expensive and are mostly effective on thee resultant scarring from the acne, not on the oilyness and excess sebum production.

So, straight from real non-paid dermatologists all over the country, one can conclude that the most effective treatment with the least cost is TCA peels. And they are now available for home use. Now you know how to permanently cure oily skin, treat acne, and have beautiful skin from a real dermatologists perspective. Don't be misled by a highly compensated endorser like Paris Hilton, Jessica Simpson, Eminem, Puff Daddy, etc...

For more information on TCA peels contact

What is Oily Skin, How to Treat It, and How NOT to Treat It

David Maillie is a chemist with over 12 years experience in biochemical research and clynical analysis. He is an alumni of Cornell University and specializes in biochemical synthesis for public, private, and governmental interests. He can be reached at M.D. Wholesale:

How to Get a Clear Face And Keep It With These Great Tips For a Clear Face

Boy! There's nothing like a clear face, free from pimples, blemishes and spots. There's nothing like being able to look in the mirror and seeing smooth clear skin and a clear complexion. And, there's nothing like being able to stop being embarrassed about bad skin problems.

So you want to know how to get a clear face and acne-free skin? Following is some information and tips for what works for acne.

\"face Wash\"

Where does acne come from?

How to Get a Clear Face And Keep It With These Great Tips For a Clear Face

Although acne can be very complex, the causes of it are relatively simple. Basically, acne will come from a combination of the following:

o Irritated hair follicles

o Loosened, dead skin cells

o Overproduction of oil from sebaceous glands under the skin

o Bacterial build up

o Clogged pores

Other factors than can cause acne are:

o Heredity

o Stress (this can make oil glands overact)

o Hormone fluctuations (men and women)

o Some pore clogging cosmetics

o Dirty make-up applicators

So what works for acne?

Following are some tips and information about the first steps to take to get rid of acne problems. With an effective acne treatment system your skin should clear within a week or two.

Clear Face Tip #1: Do an analysis

Make a determination about what type of skin you are dealing with. Is it dry? Is it oily? Is it a combination of oily and dry? Is your skin normal? Or do you have sensitive skin? Knowing what type of skin you have will help you determine what works for acne, blemishes and spots for yourself.

Clear Face Tip #2: Oily skin

Oily skin appears shiny and pores are often big which makes the skin prone to blackheads. If the skin on your face tends to be oily all over, or on certain areas, it is best to use a face wash that is oil-free, and also contains salicylic acid on affected areas. Also for oily skin, women make sure you use only oil-free, hypoallergenic makeup products.

Clear Face Tip #3: Dry skin

Dry skin tends to have a tightness to it, and is prone to developing fine wrinkles. For people with dry skin, you will want to use a face wash that will not strip natural oils from your skin. Also, instead of toner, you will need to use a good moisturizing cream.

Clear Face Tip #4: Combination or normal skin

With skin that is combination or normal, you will notice that the pores are not real big or small, but medium sized. This type may also be prone to an oily t-zone, while being more dry on the cheek areas.

Clear Face Tip #5: Sensitive skin

This skin type is very delicate and the pores are very fine. Sensitive skin has a tendency to become inflamed, and also to break out in rashes from allergic reactions. Also for sensitive skin, ladies make sure you use only hypoallergenic makeup products.

Clear Face Tip #6: Follow an effective regimen for a clear face

Although the above tips for a clear face are good, they do not make up a complete effective facial regimen. To get clear skin, you need to follow a complete acne-free skin care system which includes useful information about your skin condition, diet advice, and a step-by-step routine in order to get the results you need. Cleansing, alone, is not enough.

How to Get a Clear Face And Keep It With These Great Tips For a Clear Face

Don't let 99 cents stand between you and a clear face. Click HERE and get the Cure for Your Acne System while it's just 99 cents now.

5 Best Acne Home Remedies

Recently I had a terrible acne outbreak. Looking in the mirror made me scream. I didn't want to try all advertised acne creams and went to a dermatologist straight away. I asked her to prescribe me a strong acne medicine with a high concentration of benzoyl peroxide, something that would surely work.

To my surprise, the doctor said, no, no strong medication yet, let's try something else. She gave me several recopies for acne home remedies. I was disappointed, but since the doctor said it should work I tried her homemade remedies. At first I didn't want to believe it, but my skin looked better and better every day. After about two weeks there was no trace of acne. Here are the remedies that helped me, hope that they will work for you as well.

\"face Wash\"

1. Mix of rosewater and lemon

5 Best Acne Home Remedies

Lemon is an excellent cleanser for acne affected skin. You can mix fresh lemon juice with rose water and apply to affected skin. Wash off after half an hour with clean water. This acne remedy usually shows great results in a few days and in a couple weeks acne should completely disappear from your face.

2. Toothpaste

Ordinary toothpaste can dramatically help with acne. If your face feels swollen, put a little bit of toothpaste on your pimples before going to bed. Your skin will feel much better in the morning.

3. Mint

Mint has been used to stop acne for centuries. It probably grows in your garden or you can buy it in a fruit and vegetable shop. Squeeze juice from mint leaves and apply to your face before going to bed.

4. Vinegar

Simple home vinegar is an effective acne cleanser. Mix it with a little salt and gently rub into your face. Wash off in about 30 minutes.

5. Cucumber

Most women know that cucumber is great for your skin. It can also be used to fight and prevent acne. Make a cucumber paste, put it on your face and let is stay there for several minutes. Unlike lemon and vinegar cucumber doesn't dry your face, quite the opposite, it moisturize your skin and supplies it with vitamins. Use cucumber mask twice a week and you will see definite improvements to your skin condition.

Acne diet is important for any acne treatment

Well, there is no such thing as a special "acne diet"; however, what you eat is greatly important for the condition of your skin. Previously, to cure acne doctors suggested cutting down only oily and sugary foods. Modern research shows that eating pizza and drinking soda, doesn't cause acne. What is really essential for acne diet is to consume enough vitamins and minerals. Vitamins that are known to help with acne are Vitamin A, Vitamin E and most B group vitamins. So balanced diet is required to stop acne outbreaks.

Drinking your 8 glasses of water is also important in a fight against acne. Enough water helps your body to clean itself of toxins. Which means less harmful substances on your skin.

I personally found rose-lemon mix the most effective. It helped to clear my face and the smell of it is just heaven. Some people recommended garlic as an acne cure, but would you like to smell of garlic when you go out?

Try using a natural acne home remedy instead of over the counter acne products. Don't trust the ads when they tell you that nothing can clean your skin as well as "you name it" acne cream or cleanser. Home treatments for acne work just fine and they are surely less harmful for your skin than harsh chemicals used in acne medicine.

5 Best Acne Home Remedies

Visit Acne Treatment Guide for more recipes of acne home remedies. We also compare and review natural acne treatments, acne cleansers, creams and other products to treat acne

Anti-Depressants And Acne - Is There A Connection?

Zoloft is an example of a medication for treatment of depression. It was approved by the Food and Drug administration in 1991 and was used since then to treat depression in depressive patients. It is classified as an anti-depressant of the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor type (SSRI).

Zoloft was invented by two scientists from Pfizer namely Stephen Werner and William Dzomba. It is also known as sertraline. The drug can also be used for general anxiety disorder, binge eating disorder, and premature ejaculation. It is also claimed to be effective in the treatment of impulsive aggressive behavior of personality disordered patients.

\"acne Face Wash\"

What does it have to do with acne? According to research, Zoloft does not cause acne but hypersensitivity to the chemical content of the drug could. Perhaps, hypersensitivity to sertraline could cause cystic acne which may last for days and cause scars for months.

Anti-Depressants And Acne - Is There A Connection?

What can I Do to Solve the Problem?

Zoloft can be used along with topical medications for acne. Should you have acne apparently due to allergic reactions from the drug, you may use benzoyl peroxide which is a known topical acne treatment to minimize the acne inflammation.

Benzoyl peroxide dries the pimple with continuous application. Once the pimple is all dry, you may try to remove the scar with whitening agents like creams or lotions. These are very effective in lightening if not removing the scars.

Try not to resort to ingested medication during treatment with Zoloft as it might cause further problems or aggravate existing ones. Treatment of acne with oral medication may not be the best solution while the Zoloft regimen is ongoing.

What Are Other Possible Solutions?

While a patient is on medication with Zoloft, most doctors would recommend drinking a lot of water to help cleanse the body. Water helps in the circulation of blood in the system and helps drain out toxicities that may be introduced by drugs. Water has been known to clear the skin and make it more supple and it is also recommended while in treatment with sertraline.

Aside from keeping the skin clean from the inside by drinking lots of water, also keep it clean from the outside by regular washing with acne face wash (but do not overdo this as it can then become counterproductive). Use makeup minimally, if at all, as most makeup would be considered as foreign substances by the body and may cause unfavorable reactions.

What Else Could I Do?

To have a healthy skin, you need to have a healthy body. And to have a healthy body you need to have a healthy diet. Eat the right kinds of food and eat balanced meals. Have vegetables in the diet and carbohydrates as well as protein. It is necessary that you have a lot of fiber in the meal so that it would help wipe away the side effects of the drug.

Eating well is advisable because you need this too for maintaining your excellent body health. Eating healthy foods could keep your body in shape and help you maintain the good health of your skin. As they say, a healthy body shows through in the glow of healthy skin.

Any More Advice for Anyone Taking Zololf Who Also Has Acne?

It takes time to get used to the drug. The acne eruptions may be allergic reaction to the drug or hypersensitivity to sertraline. In some cases, the problem might go away as time goes by and the body gets used to the regimen. If the acne condition does not subside then you should have a good talk with your health care provider.

Anti-Depressants And Acne - Is There A Connection?

Flor Serquina is a successful Webmaster and publisher of She provides more information on topics such as Zoloft and acne [] and acne medicines [] and alpha lipoic acid for acne [], which you can research on her website even while lounging in your living room.