Acne - Easy Ways To Stop Getting Infected Acne

Acne begins as a whitehead or a blackhead. These are uninfected comedones. The gland is full of sebum and the gland is clogged. If treated at this stage, the acne will resolve easily without any scar. But many times it gets infected and becomes a big pimple full of pus. Stop that happening with these easy steps.

Acne- how it gets infected?


A bacterium called P.acnes lives on our skin. Normally this bacterium makes no harm to us. If this bacterium is given a warm close place full of sebum, it loves that and multiplies there. This happens in acne. The sebaceous gland is the ideal place for the bacteria in acne and the bacteria multiplies inside that. When white cells kill the bacteria, you see the pus filled acne. We should stop giving the bacteria a place to thrive. Let us see how.

Acne - Easy Ways To Stop Getting Infected Acne

1. Treat the blackheads and whiteheads immediately with either Benzoyl Peroxide or Salicylic Acid. They will both unclog the gland. Consult your doctor about using tretinoin at this stage itself. Use AHAs around the affected area to remove dead cells faster and remove the top affected layer of the skin. Your doctor will draw a treatment program for you.

2. Ask your doctor if you can use a mild antibiotic along with other topical treatments to kill the bacteria before it grows. Kill all the bacteria before it multiplies. Generally we use antibiotic after getting infected. In this case, ask your doctor if you should use one as preventive.

3. Keep your hands clean and wash your face with a good acid balanced cleanser or an AHA based cleanser. Don't over clean the skin. Clean it two to three times a day. Don't touch the spots. That may infect them. Trying to remove the comedones may also infect them. Consult your doctor and if needed he/she will pull it out.

Stopping acne before it gets infected is the best way to avoid large-scale pimples and scars. To learn more about acne treatment at mild stage, click here-

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.

Acne - Easy Ways To Stop Getting Infected Acne is a big skin care guide where you can find a lot of information, articles and tips about skin diseases and conditions, skin treatments and procedures, skin care, skin care products, etc. You will also find information about hair and nails diseases, treatments and prevention. You can try out some of the unique skin and health quizzes, to test your knowledge about various skin, hair and nail conditions. Popular topics on the site include acne, dermatitis, cellulite, melasma, vitiligo, scars, stretch marks, collagen, laser resurfacing, sunscreens, etc.

Acne - Treatment For Scars

There are many things that cause acne, and therefore many treatments for it. Even the most religiously applied acne prevention regimen or acne reduction measures can result in acne, and sometimes it results in scarring. Of course, you should try everything possible to prevent acne outbreaks from being severe in order to prevent scarring, but the truth is that some people scar more easily than others and even a mild case of acne can result in scars.

What are acne scars?


Any time there is a break in the dermis of the skin, whether from an insect bite, cut or acne, there is a potential for scarring. Did you know that skin is your largest organ? It is also a very forgiving organ, but there are just some levels of trauma from which it will not recover. Think of a paper that is torn in half and then taped back together; there is always evidence that there was a tear. The smaller the tear, the less obvious it is that it has been repaired.

Acne - Treatment For Scars

In the case of acne scars, this simply refers to the scar left behind by an eruption in the dermis caused by acne. The severity of the scar depends on where on your skin the outbreak occurs and how much it traumatizes the dermis. A deep eruption within the follicle wall will damage the dermis and destroy the healthy tissue, creating a scar. The most common type of acne scar is what's known as atrophic scarring. In lay terms, it's known as pitting or pockmarking. Rather than a raised scar, the scars are indented, due to loss of tissue.

Unfortunately, most acne occurs where it is visible to everyone and difficult to cover up or hide. Acne and acne scars can create self-image issues that last a lifetime, so it's important to do everything possible to minimize the damage from both.

Acne Scar Prevention

Scars cannot be completely removed. The only real "treatment" of acne scars is to reduce the visual effect of the scar, and most treatments are temporary. Therefore, the first line of defense is, of course, prevention. If you are aware that your skin scars easily, take extra precautions to prevent acne outbreaks and to reduce the trauma to the skin when you do have an outbreak. Even if you do not scar easily, don't take any chances! Skin has wonderful regenerative properties, but scars are forever. Be especially careful if you are aware you have hypertrophic, or keloid, scarring tendencies. This is a hereditary condition characterized by scars that form in welts and take years to thin out and lie flat.

Treat acne outbreaks as soon as they develop. If you suffer severe and chronic outbreaks, go to a dermatologist for medical treatment of your acne. Sometimes, home remedies simply will not work and medical advancements in the treatment of skin conditions make it much easier to treat outbreaks and therefore prevent scarring.

Never, ever - and I repeat EVER - pick at acne when you do have an outbreak. Many times, this results in the lesion becoming larger, which increases the likelihood of trauma to the dermis. Even an eruption that occurs close to the surface can go deeper, into the dermis, if the healing process is disrupted. Scabs form to protect the skin and picking them off interferes with the skin's healing and remodeling process. Picking off scabs also increases the risk of infection, which only makes the lesion larger - and creates a bigger potential for scarring.

When you have an outbreak of acne, avoid the sun - it only causes more skin damage and a delay in the healing process. Wear a moisturizer and/or foundation makeup with sunscreen, or just apply sunscreen. Don't think you're not exposing yourself just because you aren't going to the beach or going to be outdoors much. You get a surprising amount of exposure to the sun just by driving in your car.

Treatment for Scars

You did everything you could and now you have acne scars. What next?

Acne scars are stubborn and there is no "one size fits all" treatment for them. If you have very minor scars, you can try over-the-counter treatment for them. Mild acne can often become less noticeable with the use of products that contain vitamin C, retinol or glycolic acid. These contain collagen, and collagen "plumps" the skin, reducing the visual effect of mild atrophic scarring. Skin lightening creams can reduce the discoloration sometimes left behind by acne.

Home microdermabrasion or chemical peel kits can be effective; however, don't expect the same results you would get from a professional microdermabrasion treatment. The active ingredients in over-the-counter products aren't as strong as professional-use products. Also, be aware that these can sometimes cause a reaction that may make the scars more noticeable. Proceed with caution, or consult your physician before using these products.

For more severe cases of acne scars, skip straight to the office of a trained professional - a dermatologist or cosmetic surgeon. There really isn't any point in wasting your time or money on home remedies. You may want to consider laser treatment for acne scars or some kind of chemical peel. Neither will "cure" or completely remove the acne scars, but they can be very effective in alleviating the severity of the scarring.

When to get treatment for scars

If you are still having active outbreaks of acne, the continued eruptions can cause more scarring. That's not to say you can't seek treatment for scars, but a dermatologist will want you to undergo treatment for your ongoing outbreaks while discussing scar treatment. Otherwise, if you feel your scars are causing your to lose confidence, if they're causing body image or self-esteem issues, if you are socially isolating yourself because you are self-conscious about your appearance, or you feel the scars are limiting your opportunities for social and professional fulfillment - then it's definitely time to seek help.

Acne - Treatment For Scars

I have experienced the pangs of getting rid of acne and employed both prescription acne treatments and a variety of home remedies to improve skin care for myself and others. I enjoy growing my own herbs and researching the ways in which they can be used.

Acne - Causes, Treatment and Prevention

Acne, zits, pizza face. You've surely heard all the slang out there. For many it's the thing jokes are made from. To some it is a minor convenience that will be outgrown over time. To some though, acne is much more than a minor inconvenience. It can become a serious problem. One which can not only be physically damaging, but mentally as well.

What is Acne? Acne is an affliction normally associated with teenagers. Acne appears when follicles, or pores in the skin are clogged. Oil that usually escapes to the skin's surface is then trapped, where bacteria begins to grow and acne forms.


There are different types of acne, from mild cases such as whiteheads & blackheads, to more serious and potentially disfiguring cases like, acne conglobata. Mild cases and normally easy to treat, while more severe cases, may require more aggressive therapy to control.

Acne - Causes, Treatment and Prevention

There is no definitive cause of acne, but there are several factors believed to play a part. The most important factor is believed to be increased levels of androgens, the male sex hormone, which increases in males and females during puberty. Another factor may be heredity, where the gene causing the development of acne is passed down from parent(s) to children. Certain drug use may also contribute, as well as certain cosmetics, which could potentially alter the cells in the follicle, causing the follicle to stick together.

Contrary to popular believe, eating chocolate or greasy food will not cause acne to form, though diet is thought to help in the prevention of acne is some people.

Treatment of typical cases of acne usually includes over the counter products containing, benzoyl peroxide, sulfur, resorcinol, or salicylic acid. These chemicals have proven effective in the treatment of mild cases of acne. It is advised not to pick or squeeze Acne, as you will increase the risk is scarring. Scrubbing the acne with a loofah or any other method is also not recommended, as scrubbing only makes it worse.

More severe or resistant Acne will require treatment by a licenced Dermatologist. A Dematologist may prescribe topical treatments such as Retinoids, or Antibiotics. Oral antibiotics may also be prescribed, as well as hormonal treatment in severe cases, like accutane. Accutane is used as a last resort for those for which other treatments have been ineffective.

The prevention of acne may be as simple as keeping your hands and hair off your face, as your hands and hair contain oils which may contribute and contaminate the pores of your face. Other prevention tips include the reduction of stress in your everyday life, exercise regularly, as well as eating a balanced diet. Warm baths and getting plenty of sleep may also contribute in the prevention of acne. It is also advised that makeup be used sparingly and be removed completely when not needed.

Acne is a difficult affliction for some to deal with, but with the right treatments and lifestyle changes, can be managed and minimized. Some will surely outgrown it in time, but those who do not, have options to improve their quality of life.

Acne - Causes, Treatment and Prevention

Michael Russell

Your Independent guide to Acne

Acne - The Best Acne Solution Home Remedies

Home remedies and lifestyle modification for acne prevention are the best methods to deal with the dermatitis - the bane of existence of countless sufferers. Adherence to a regular regimen can not only cure acne vulgaris but also effectively prevent its recurrence. Over the counter medications that use synthetic ingredients often provide only a temporary respite. Acne raises it ugly head within a short time after ceasing the use of such products. This is because such medications are only palliative in nature; they target only the external symptoms of acne and do not repair the damage within the skin. So why waste your money on expensive products when you can get a holistic treatment in your own home?

Following are some home remedies that have proven to be the best acne solutions from time immemorial.


- An All Fruit Diet: Eliminate the toxins from your body and rejuvenate your system by resorting to an all fruit diet for a week every month. Focus only on fresh, juicy fruits like apricot, apples, grapefruit, guava, olive, papaya, pears and pineapples. This will not only cleans your system but also improve your vitality.

Acne - The Best Acne Solution Home Remedies

- Go Green: Give the pizza and ice cream the dump. Opt for fresh green vegetables instead. These are rich in essential vitamin and minerals and help in detoxification.

- Water Baths: A hot Epsom salt bath taken two-times a week may prove to be beneficial. Alternatively, bathing the affected area with Castile and Calendula extract mixed with warm water can be beneficial.

- Steam Bath: Local application of hot fomentation should open up the pores draw out the waste material. A hot steam application should always be followed with rinsing with cold water to close the open pores.

- Heal the Body: Correct the diseases inside your body to cure the acne. Beetroot is extremely beneficial for the liver. The herb milk thistle protects the liver. Keeping the liver healthy will in turn help prevent acne. Apples and Psyllium husk are excellent for cleansing the bowels and preventing build-up of mycotoxin producers.

- Cooking Procedure: All food that you eat should be low in oil content. Do not fry your food, try baking or grilling instead. Stick to lean meat products - poultry items and fishes like cod or salmon.

- Fenugreek: Boil fenugreek seeds in water and apply the extract on the face to cure acne.

- Exfoliate using baking soda: Form a paste of baking soda with water and use it as a scrub. Massage gently, not more than 15 seconds.

- Vinegar: Balance your skin pH and eliminate acne-causing bacteria by the application of diluted vinegar or apple juice on your face, after cleaning and drying it properly. - Acne

Acne - The Best Acne Solution Home Remedies

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